Passed Master Of Surgery (M. S. ophthalmology) in 1981 from N.H. L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, Private Practitioner in Anand Since 1983.
- Special interest in Cataract & refractive surgery.
Phaco-emulsification (JETHWA EYE HOSPITAL).
About 1600 anterior segment surgeries are done, about 150 multifocal IOL per year.
Refractive Surgery( Zeiss MEL 80 setup- Ultimate Vision Laser Centre) - First to implant intra ocular lens in Anand-Kheda District in Sept- 1983. & First to do phaco-emulsification surgery in Anand-Kheda District in 1993.
- Started Ultimate vision Centre – a Lasik Centre since one year.
- Invited as technical consultant for expert consultation (regarding improvement of optics of ophthalmic operating microscope) by LEICA, Switzerland in 1992.
- Organizing Secretary of Annual Gujarat Ophthalmic Society Conference at Karamsad-1992.
- Attended almost all annual conferences of Gujarat, All India Ophthalmic Society, Bombay Ophthalmic Society and Delhi Ophthalmic Society .
- Member of & attended multiple conferences of American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) & American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).
- First to innovate in the world , vacuum capsulorhexis for phaco-emulsification. And presented this research paper in European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ESCRS), Nice- France in 1996.
- First to introduce Trypan Blue dye in India to stain capsule of white cataract for improvement of visualization during phaco-emulsification.
- Joint Secretary of IMA (Anand Branch) in 1986 and three times Executive Committee member of IMA (Anand Branch).
- Awarded 1st prize in SAARC Ophthalmic society in 2000. First to do, demonstrate & document intra operative intra ocular pressure measurement & fluctuations during phaco-emulsification. Introduced a unique ocular pressure stabilizer device for surge during phaco-emulsification.
- Awarded 2nd prize in SAARC Ophthalmic society in 2000. (Vacuum Capsulorhexis).
- Invited by Madhya Pradesh Ophthalmic Society for full 2 days course for phaco-emulsification including live surgery in Topical anaesthesia in 1997.
Invited as guest speaker by different societies
- Bombay Ophthalmic Society in 1998, 1999 & 2000.
- Delhi Ophthalmic Society in 1999 & 2000.
- Indian Cataract & Refractive Society in Chennai in 1998, 1999 & 2000.
- Indian Cataract & Refractive Society in Bangalore- two times (Once live demonstration of phaco-emulsification).
- Trivandrum Ophthalmic Society for phaco-emulsification course including live surgery in 2000.
- Rajkot Ophthalmic Society for phaco-emulsification course including live surgery in 2001.
- Bhavnagar Ophthalmic Society for phaco-emulsification course including live surgery in 2003.
- Baroda Ophthalmic Society for phaco-emulsification course including live surgery in 2000.
- North Gujarat Ophthalmic Society for phaco-emulsification course including live surgery in 2001.
- South Gujarat Ophthalmic Society for phaco-emulsification course including live surgery in 2003.
- Recipient of DR. Mathur award by Gujarat Ophthalmological Society 2006.
- Invited international participant in Japan by Hoya , JCRS